10 Effective Tips to Prevent Motion Sickness

This is one of the most common personal problems of commuters/ travelers – getting dizzy. I still remember when I was in my childhood years; I always get dizzy whenever I will ride in a closed vehicle like an air-conditioned bus/van.
Photo by Deanna Ritchie on Unsplash

That is why my mother won’t allow me to be with her, especially if she will be going too far places since she knows I will get dizzy and vomit. I have suffered that dizziness attack whenever I will be traveling to far places until the age of sixteen (16). But when I have engaged myself in more extra-curricular activities when I was in high school, I already get used to it since we have been traveling always to compete and represent our school.

We also knew that most of the people who get dizzied while on travel are children and youth. For they are unused to it, but some elders/adults are still getting dizzy whenever they travel and for some reason, some people cannot rid of it for it is really normal. But we can surely avoid it. Below are some of the ways to avoid dizziness while on travel.

Reminder: The information below is based on my research and survey that comes from my fellows who used to travel (local or abroad) and who has been a skilled driver.

Take medicine 

This is one of the most ways to avoid dizziness. Try to take Bonamine before traveling. It is a medicine that treats motion sickness and should be taken every 24 hours while traveling. It will help you not to feel dizzy easily. I have been doing this every time I will be traveling long places. I don’t want to vomit and be off balance it spoils the trips.

Avoid using your phone (texting, calling, playing) 

This is one of the main reasons why I got dizzy while traveling. I used to test and I get out with a balance that causes me to sweat and feel to vomit anytime so I am avoiding to do these things while I am on a ride. Also avoid playing and using your phone while you travel, for it really causes dizziness, especially you are not used to it.

Don’t eat too much 

It is not good to eat too much, especially when you will be traveling because you will get shaken during the travel and your system will lose its balance and will make you feel dizzy. And the worst thing is you will vomit the food you eat.

Don’t think that you will get dizzy 

I remember what my mentor told me when we were traveling “Don’t think that you will feel dizzy from getting dizzy is on our mind and if you keep on thinking that you will feel dizzy, then you will probably feel it.” Try to relax and don’t think too much about it.  

Make yourself busy or have fun 

There are people who are much more comfortable if they are doing something else to make their selves busy while traveling which a contradiction to our no. 2 and it just shows that we are different individuals. For me, if we make ourselves busy while traveling like playing games, listening to music and it really lessens the probability of getting dizzy.

Avoid sightseeing 

There are people who are much more comfortable if they are doing something else to make their selves busy while traveling which a contradiction to our no. 2 and it just shows that we are different individuals. For me, if we make ourselves busy while traveling like playing games, listening to music and it really lessens the probability of getting dizzy.

Try to sleep 

Somehow one of the best ways to avoid dizziness is to sleep comfortably. Because it lets your mind relaxes and keeps it undistracted. I am commuting always and I could say that this is really not helpful for you to get dizzy. This is also recommended by elders to their children.

Talk to someone 

Busying yourself; find a companion which you could talk with and make an interesting conversation which will let you ignore the outside scene and keep you busy inside the vehicle. Do some chit-chatting with your friends

Avoid the wind fan or aircon directly hitting your head 

Try to consider not sitting in front of the aircon vents or pulling the aircon vents away from you. When the wind fan and aircon is directed to you, you will feel imbalance and may lead to dizziness. 

Keep calm 

The simplest way to avoid dizziness is to calm ourselves. Do not think too much, move too much and speak too much. Take some time to relax and maintain your balance. It’s the way how we control our system and if we know how to manage it will not be off of balance, in that way we will not feel dizzy anymore while traveling. 

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