Travel Checklist for Better and Safer Road Trip

Do you find traveling as an enjoyable one? How often you travel? Perhaps, it maybe depends on how and when you planned to travel. You keep in your mind those possible things that might happen during after of travel. Obviously, everybody enjoys traveling and go to different places, but it varies beyond of your purpose and go to different places, but it varies beyond of your purpose, it may be a vacation, party, seminar, service, research, and another purpose.
10 Things to Bring and Pack before Travelling

There are important things that you have to consider before you travel to your target place(s). Surely, you excitedly prepare your things even before a day of travel, those things that are needed and relevant to your purpose and target places. But have you ever thought deeply about what are the important things you must prepare and bring? Those things which are helpful, even with sudden changes?

There are ten important things that must prepare and bring before traveling:

1. Dress - This is the most obvious things that you must bring and must not forget in traveling. This is very important for our personal necessities because as time and day passes by we have to change our dress. But remember, you must limit the number of dresses and bring only those that are needed because it may be a burden to you.

2. Flashlight and whistle - You can use this in case of emergency. This is very useful, especially when you lost and trap me unfamiliar places,. So you can call for help by turning on the flashlight and whistling. It can call the attention of others.

3. Medicine- we never know if what will happen during travel or when you are already in place. In case of accidents and emergencies, you can secure and aid yourself. You can maintain your health or recover yourself when you got sick. Here are some ways to avoid getting dizzy: 10 Ways to Avoid Dizziness while Travelling

4. Water- Naturally, water is very important. It is the man

5. Camera and cellphone - You can enjoy more your travel by taking shots the beauty of the places. Moreover, it is helpful for documentation and remembrances. A cellphone can help you to update your family and friends and you can call for help in case of emergency.

6. Lighter- You know that this is useful for making fire. For instance, you are in the forest and you get lost so you can easily create a fire and can relieve from cold.

7. Foods- Traveling is not complete without folds. It is useful in many ways. It maintains a high energy level and makes your mind alert and thinks on the right track. However, do not eat too much food because it can ruin your stomach and may cause not to enjoy your travel.

8. Maps - Map is very relevant in traveling. You must have the map of the place you want to go to because it can avoid yourself from being lost. You can also easily locate or find the particular place you going forward that can help you to maximize your time and therefore you have much time to enjoy.

9. Money- You must not forget to bring money because it can sustain you wants in traveling thus it avoids a shortage. There are some unexpected expenses that you can encounter. For instance, buying important souvenirs, buy some pleasure things, pay for consumed food in the restaurant and others. It is said that the more you have money in your wallet the more you can enjoy your travel.

10. Rosary- When you are going to travel you need guidance from our Lord. It can save us from possible accidents and other bad things that may happen and also helps you to avoid bad people. Always remember that prayer can save you.

Written by: Roger Rangasa

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